Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We went down to Utah for my birthday and it was so fun, and relaxing! Joel and I did some shopping and of course, ate amazing food (made by california pizza kitchen, and mom & dad)

On Sunday we went up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Silver lake and I got to try out my new camera. I love it! I dont really know how to use it yet, but it was alot of fun. Plus its gorgeous up there and my subjects were pretty good looking so that always helps ;)

[if your computer is on mute, unmute NOW! this song on my playlist is soooo gooood!!!]

So here are some of my first pictures taken with my new baby...ha ha no laughing...and im lazy so they're all in random order

changing the depth of field is about all I know how to do...
and dont know if im even doing it right! ha

we had cherry pie, my favorite!
notice I claimed the last piece and started just eating from the dish

My dad took this one, its my favorite :)

Joel took this one of miley, isnt she adorable?

My lovely parents :)

My friends Sarah and Tally came over on Saturday
It was really good/fun to catch up
I havent seen either of them in forever
(And its like 1am, hence the haggardness haha)

My next step after my camera is to figure out photoshop
ha ha if anyone has any tips id love to hear!
Weird that im 22? Time goes by so fast its Crazy!
Guess what??
My wonderfully amazing husband got a promotion and a raise!
He is now officially "senior developmental therapist" ha ha im so proud of him, good job babe!


  1. Hey, so my wife was blog stalking you and I noticed your post on the new camera. Since you asked for some photoshop tips I thought I'd share a few things I've learned over the last couple years. 1. Don't start with photoshop. Start by learning good photo technique. The real goal is to use photoshop as little as possible for most pictures. If a class isn't in your future, use photography.com or google articles on lighting, composition, depth of field. As you learn the manual functions (iso, f-stops and shutter speed) and how they work together, your pictures will be much better.
    2. With photoshop, there are tons of how to guides online. Personally though, I just like to use the "help" option in the program. Also, you will want to learn masking, and how to use the "curves" tool.
    Anyway, good luck

  2. you guys are such a beautiful couple! Marcus has the same RVCA shirt that Joel is wearing, yeah! We really need to get together soon. life is so busy but what a lame excuse! as for running, i would totally go with you any time, but Im so out of shape and would slow you down! its been 8 months since Ive ran haha.. hope you guys are doing well ;)
